Unleash the full potential of your supply chain and
become Demand Driven.

Unleash the full potential of your supply-chain with our fully Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP), Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning (DDS&OP) and Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) compliant solution, with support from our top level Demand Driven Planner endorsed instructors.


Reduce your inventory levels

Typical DDMRP implementations result in 30-70% inventory reductions, even in environments of high variability and volatility. Because DDMRP self adjusts the inventory levels to what your customers need, with no excess or shortages, right sizing your inventory levels.

Provide outstanding customer service levels

Even in complex environments with high supply and demand variability, with complex Bills of Materials, DDMRP achieves great service levels minimizing stockouts. Typical results of DDMRP implementations result in 90-95% service levels.

Compress lead times

The strategic use of inventory helps you achieve improved stability and velocity in your system, allowing you to compress your lead times, which translates to happier customers.

Decrease obsolete inventory

DDMRP self adjusts the inventory to actual demand, reducing the chances to stockpile obsolete products.

Less expediting expenses

Avoid the expediting costs typically associated with replanning when you realize that your actual demand is way off from your forecast.

Cross-company alignment to flow

Provides clear signals to all departments on the actions required to maximize the flow of materials to the customer, to improve your company's Return on Investment.

Reconcile the company strategy with your operational plans

Simulate your operating model considering strategic decisions for future sales, working capital, and capacity constraints.

Variance analysis, projections
and simulations

Variance analysis allows to you reflect on the past performance of the model in order to improve your processes.

Projections and Simulations allow you to project the Operating Model into the future, in different scenarios, allowing you to: 
  Provide forecast information to your suppliers
  Identify future capacity problems
  Identify future working capital requirements

The key components of the Demand Driven Operating Model

The Demand Driven Operating model is a supply order generation, operational scheduling, and execution model utilizing actual demand and strategic decoupling points to create a system that promotes and protects the flow of relevant information and materials. By properly configuring Demand Driven MRP parameters with the Demand Driven Sales and Operations Planning process, the system will combine inventory records and actual demand to generate supply orders. 

In the following articles we explore different parts of this complete system and present more information and tools included in ForgeFlow Demand Driven.

DDMRP Compliant

With us you will sustain and even improve a DDMRP implementation, and supports Inventory Positioning, Buffer Profiles, Dynamic Buffer Adjustments, Demand Driven Planning and Highly Visible and Collaborative Execution.

DDS&OP Compliant

We will provide you access to all relevant master settings of the DDOM, supports DDOM Variance Analysis and DDOM Simulations.

DDOM Compliant

Fully manage Time and Capacity Buffers. Demand Driven Finite Capacity Scheduling.

Certified Instructors

Our Certified Demand Driven Planner Instructors will help your company successfully become a Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise.

Based on Odoo

4 Million people grow their business with Odoo.  We are one of the most recognized Odoo Integrators worldwide, with +350 apps published and multiple implementations done worldwide.

Integrated with your ERP

Our flexible framework allows us to flexibly integrate ForgeFlow with other ERP's.

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ForgeFlow Demand Driven Practical Course

¿Still having doubts?
Experiment with our
demand driven business games. 

This simulation of your business allows you to discover,
using our Demand Driven, how all your needs are covered. 


Education enables change in your organization  

As Demand Driven Planner Instructors and Odoo partners we offer high quality training programs to enable a successful digital transformation in your organization.


Ask us anything related to our company or our services.